A Growth-Focused CFO


Screenshot (29)As Seen in CFO Studio Magazine Q1/Q2 2016 Issue


Santa Claus arrived, a magician entertained the guests, and the Q4 2015 issue of CFO Studio magazine was launched in fine style at the December 1 CFO Studio Reception. The event, held at the Westin Governor Morris Hotel in Morristown, NJ, was well attended by finance executives, all in a holiday mood.

CFO Studio magazine’s Q4 cover CFO, Bernd-Peter (Berry) Bier, U.S. Chief Financial Officer, Bayer Corporation, was the guest of honor, but was called to Germany for pressing business matters. He spoke via pre-recorded video to the assembled CFOs and other guests, sharing with them a bit about Bayer, which was founded in Switzerland inScreenshot (31) 1863 and focused from its early days on pharmaceuticals and crop science.

“The business of science presents quite a number of challenges for a CFO,” he said. “We must support not only the daily operations of our businesses, but also have the vision necessary to ensure long-term growth and sustainability in this high-risk industry. This balancing act — the ability to look out for near-term and long-term success of your company— is an important capability, not just for CFOs in the life sciences businesses, but for CFOs in many businesses.”

“CFOs, to be successful, need to have their own sense of where the company is going,” Mr. Bier continued, “as well as knowing where the CEO and Board see the company going, while understanding what needs to be done today. It is our job to be excellent business partners and to provide the resources Screenshot (33)needed to grow the business. And, if we, as chief financial officers, don’t share this vision of the future, we can’t give proper guidance.”

Mr. Bier completed his talk with a couple of thoughts on how CFOs can succeed in a complex business world. “I encourage you to always keep this balance of near- and long-term leadership in mind as you work each day to support your business,” he said. “Build an excellent, high-performing team around you that is clearly focused on value creation for the company in its totality — and in that regard, able to balance out the different interests among the businesses, but also between support functions and the business.” At the end of the evening, CFO guests each received sweet treats, holiday gifts, courtesy of Revelwood and CFO Studio.

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Tailoring Benefits for All Ages


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As Seen in CFO Studio Magazine Q1/Q2 2016 Issue


There’s nothing easy about creating a package of employee benefits that will attract the kind of talent most companies seek and will be competitive with the offerings of aggressive and best-in-class employers that vie for high-potential employees. CFOs who recently attended a Middle Market Companies CFO Dinner, part of CFO Studio’s Executive Dinner Series, at Sparks Steakhouse in Manhattan, were not so much looking for answers as they were looking to identify differences between the workforce of today and the workforce they’d assumed they’d be leading.

Discussion leader Jeffrey Dale, Chief Financial Officer of the Federal Reserve System’s Office of Employee Benefits in Newark, NJ, who provides a variety of benefits to approximately 22,000 active employees and 25,000 retirees, said in an interview, “What interested me about the [dinner] discussion was how laser-focused the group was on Millennials, and that we had much less conversation about the different groups that also make up a lot of the employment demographic.”

He noted that motivating Millennial employees and candidates is “clearly an issue that everyone is struggling with. Even defining the attributes of a Millennial is a lot harder than we might think.”

One CFO of a tax-exempt organization said Millennials, in his experience, are often motivated by money and vacation time. Another CFO said: “I don’t know if Millennials care as much about making money as they do about making a difference.”

Some Millennials run out the door at 4:00 p.m. to get to the gym but log back in at 10:00 p.m. and work until 2:00 a.m. One CFO stated that Millennials see sacrifices their parents made and seek more work/life balance. And a CFO in a family business said his Millennial employees, many of them truck drivers and mechanics, work 70 hours a week.

AnnMarie Santamarina, Managing Partner of Tahas Technologies, a full-service IT consulting company and a CFO Studio Business Development Partner, said that as the workforce changes, benefit expectations are also shifting. “We find ourselves reevaluating our offerings to suitably address all employees, instigating a culture discussion for us [at Tahas]. Ms. Santamarina said that in the end, Tahas leadership is providing a defined culture for its employees, and the benefits to support that, where people can balance their work and life priorities. Her hope is “to foster an environment where employees are able to focus on the work that’s in front of them while also being able to address whatever they have going on outside of the office — and for each employee, that part will be different.”

Screenshot (28)Mr. Dale encouraged everyone to think through the topic at the end of the evening and consider what they might do differently as a result of the idea exchange. In a follow-up interview he said that he had done just that, sharing what he’d learned from the CFO guests who spoke of motivating factors for the younger members of their workforce. He encouraged a staff member who works on plan design to “factor that into” the Federal Reserve’s benefits design. At the same time, he said, “We do need to consider the different employment audiences, not just the Millennials.”

An important issue discussed among CFO guests was the need to ensure data integrity when workers’ needs and expectations require working from home, client sites, hotel rooms, airports, and just about anywhere else. Ms. Santamarina said the concepts of mobility and data integrity intersect at the point where the employee, the data (a company asset), and the flexibility that the employer wants to provide, come together. “This is a challenge both for Tahas and for our clients. Tahas focuses on solutions that provide the right amount of mobile flexibility while ensuring the optimal layers of security are in place to protect a firm’s valuable asset, their data,” she said.

The dinner conversation took a philosophical turn when Mr. Dale commented that younger staff members in the Federal Reserve’s employ “don’t know much about the defined benefit retirement plan, except that it exists. Our challenge is to get that younger person to focus on the value of that benefit long-term. There is a social good in educating young people in our employ,” Mr. Dale continued, “providing financial education and tools” to help them prepare for their financial future and specifically, retirement.

The slate of benefits that companies provide has seen some updating in the digital age, to attract workers in an era of fast-paced change. The paternalistic employer is gone, replaced by a company that morphs and acquires other companies, adding and shedding jobs as needed. It may be that Millennials are very different from the workers of 20 years ago, but so are the companies that employ them.

The Power of Data


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CFOs from World-Class Companies met over dinner recently at Restaurant Serenade, in Chatham, NJ, to discuss “Financial Analysis, Data Analytics, and Driving Strategy in World-Class Companies.” They came together as part of The World-Class Companies CFO Dinner Series, powered by CFO Studio.

David Wyshner, President and CFO of Avis Budget Group, led the discussion. Data is of critical importance to today’s CFO, he said. It is the key to competitive advantage. Historically, finance has been data-driven, but the emergence of big data and the growth of data analytics have further heightened its value.

“We are at a real inflection point regarding the importance of financial analysis and data analytics to help drive business decisions,” said Mr. Wyshner. “At Avis Budget Group, we are using data to drive decision-making and pricing, and to understand profitability from one transaction to another. It is helping us figure out when and where we make money, something that may sound easy, although it is not. It allows us to know what to optimize and when to acquire, rotate, and dispose of our fleet.”

Thomas Bongiorno, Senior Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer, Envision Healthcare, Greenwood Village, CO, framed the discussion. “The historic focus of the finance function was primarily tactical — close the books and ensure the integrity of the financial statements and disclosures with no surprises. This is now table stakes for a finance function. The payoff is in driving value through analytical insights, which represents a significant shift for many finance functions, but is a journey worth taking.”

“Historically, [financial planning] used to be about managing physical assets and the accumulation of wealth around the accumulation of property,” said Bud McGann, Chief Revenue Officer, Tidemark, a Redwood City, CA–based enterprise performance management software company and a CFO Studio Business Development Partner. “However, there has been a significant switch from asset accumulation to knowledge about people and information on netwoScreenshot (25)rks. We must leverage that information and bring it to the field.”

The CFOs in attendance all agreed that the growth of data-analytic capabilities is helping drive business decisions, with the further effect that CFOs armed with analytics are vital to operational business decision-making.

The biggest takeaway: In-depth analytics are allowing companies to hedge against volatility and to respond faster, and with greater insight, to changes in the marketplace.

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